If you are an addict to playing the Nintendo Entertainment System, there is a very huge probability that the soundtrack in the games is among the major reason why you love playing the game. There are a lot of great soundtracks that we hear from the 8-bit sound that came from the system, that sometimes makes us want to go back to play the game again. Here are top 7 NES original soundtracks.
Mega Man II
There are a lot of soundtracks in Mega Man II that should be among the top 10. To give other games a chance however, we will pick the best from this game, which is the DrWily’s castle stage in the game. Here is a youtube link for the soundtrack: httpss://youtu.be/WJRoRt155mA.
Super Mario Bros 3
There is no list of top 3 soundtracks that will not have the Super Mario Bros 3 soundtrack amongst them. This is due to the fact that the soundtrack is just one of the reasons why the game is the greatest game on NES for many people who played games on NES. Here is a youtube link for the soundtrack of Super Mario Bros 3: httpss://youtu.be/2sH-l2xN3gU.
Wizards and Warriors
The track composed by David Wise is a very nice one as it complemented the adventure and action of the game. Even though the soundtrack in the game is also very nice, the one for the title screen is even nicer. Here is a youtube link for the title screen: httpss://youtu.be/OGWiNiLAy94.
Kirby’s Adventure
If you have played Kirby’s Adventure on NES, then you will agree that it has a lot of nice soundtracks. Everyone will however agree with the intro soundtrack to be the best amongst them. Here is a youtube link for the intro soundtrack: httpss://youtu.be/OTb3Lc16uBY.
One of the lovely things about Metroid is the fact that the soundtracks capture the underground exploration mood of the game. Among the best of the soundtracks is the one that is featured just before you proceed into Zebes’ dark paths. Here is a youtube link for the soundtrack: httpss://youtu.be/WVTzg2kvNaQ.
The Legend of Zelda
Even though The Legend of Zelda does not come with a lot of soundtracks like some other games on NES, the few it has easily ranks amongst the top you will ever get amongst NES games. An example of this is the Hyruleoverworld theme in the game which can be listened to on this youtube link: httpss://youtu.be/8VSi9RUVqLs.
Life Force
There is no way that you will have played Life Force that you will not remember the sound tracks. All the soundtracks in the game were very nice and choosing the best is very difficult. The soundtrack on the 3rd stage is however, arguably the best of the soundtracks. Here is a youtube link for the soundtrack: httpss://youtu.be/qvZ0oGwU968.
Overall, this 7 soundtracks did a lot of justice to the game and also contributed significantly to the reason why a lot of people enjoyed playing the games they were featured in.

Yes, “NES” since its inception has enjoyed a good market share as far as gaming is concerned. The introduction of gaming consoles have transferred our homes into gaming zones where without any tokens you can enjoy un interrupted fascinating gameplay for hours.